Format: The format for this event is Metal Fight Standard 3V3. Please read the RULEBOOK prior to confirming your attendance to ensure that you or your child have the appropriate equipment to compete. Legal parts / launchers will not be lent out by event staff.
Rules Overview: Each blader comes with their three best beyblades and battle to see who is the stronger blader.
Location: This event will be held indoors at Nightwing's Gaming Loft, located at 7898 Cryden Way, Forestville, Maryland 20747.
Stadium: Hasbro Beyblade Burst Pro Series Stadium
Time: As the tournament will start promptly at 12pm (Noon), please plan to arrive around 11:30am when registration will begin. Registration will close at 12pm. Confirming your attendance on the WBO event page does not substitute for registration at the venue.
If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event (240.838.7730) and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.
Participants: There will be a cap of 36 participants; but feel free to still show up even if the limit is reached, there are always folks not showing up the day of plus video games and gaming PCs you can play if you're into that.
Prizes: Will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place blader after the finals have been completed.
Parents: I'll try have a pair of massage therapists set up in our front office if you'd like to get a professional chair massage done while you wait.
This event will cooperate with Montgomery County Reopening Guidelines, as well as the WBO Covid-19 Guidelines effective from last year.
Tournament Prizes
1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place:
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