Rules Overview:
There are no banned parts for either system.
When called to battle each blader will present to the judge three (3) burst beyblades and three (3) metal fight beyblades for inspection.
After the judge has confirmed both blader's selection the bladers will set their decks (in secret) in the following order starting at the judge:
Metal Fight
Metal Fight
Metal Fight
Burst will ALWAYS fight burst and metal will ALWAYS fight metal.
You may make any mode changes to your beyblade after both players reveal their combo, turn around and make your changes... that is the time for both bladers to change, any attempt to change after seeing your opponent's mode change is a no-go.
You are allowed only ONE (1) spin direction change PER SYSTEM (So two (2) per match).
If a blader is using a dual spin layer such as Gravity (MFB) or Cho-Z Spriggan (Burst) that can be in either spin direction without being easily identified that blader will show the judge which launcher direction they will be presenting it in before presentation. This is to avoid anyone trying to get two spin changes in one system.
The match will begin with each blader's #1 (Burst) beyblade and end with their #6 (metal fight) beyblade.
Once all six battles have occurred the judge will tally up the score and determine the winner.
Scoring is as follows:
Burst - KO = 1pt, Spin Finish = 1pt, Burst = 2pts
MFB - KO = 2pts, Spin Finish = 1pt
Ties: Two ties = next beyblade, no points awardedThe DB Stadium will be the stadium for the format.